Women throughout Yolo County now have full access to pregnancy help since Spero acquired a motor home that’s been outfitted to bring services right to them. The mobile unit offers a mini version of everything the Woodland, CA, office provides, including a private medical office, space for client education, as well as storage of supplies clients can earn with their Mommy Bucks, from formula and diapers to high chairs and strollers.

The mobile unit will travel to various locations throughout Yolo County to help bring access to our services to those who cannot make it into our Woodland office.

Read more about the mobile unit and our hopes and dreams for the future at https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/new-mobile-center-spreads-hope-across-california-s-yolo-county.

For questions, please reach out to us at (530) 661-6333 or spero@speromedical.org.